sunshadows@shaw.ca Or Call 306-477-1919
Large dog, Advanced Class, on the Long Sit Exercise showing focus on their handlers with distractions.
MPORTANT: Send your class fee at the same time as your registration request. Sending in the form alone only represents your interest, and does not get you on the class list. Etransfers can be sent to sunshadows@shaw.ca Use this Interac question = boarding, and the answer = kennel. An information page will be sent to you when your fees arrive. Cheques or cash will be accepted at the kennel office and Etransfers can be sent to sunshadows@shaw.ca FEES: (You are required to Pre-Register.) Your first class with our school is $262.50, tax included, your second set of classes with the same dog, are $241.50, and all sets after those first two with the same dog, are $210.00. SCHEDULES: There are 8 classes in a set, meeting twice per week. Once Registered, We will send you an information sheet that will prepare you for class one with advice about equipment, treats, training location and times.
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February Classes Now Open!
Why Train With Us? PRICE: Is the same as places that only provide 6 classes. RESULTS: A dog who loves working with you willingly and happily. EXPERTISE: Our lead instructors have won Canadian Championships in Tracking, Obedience and Protection work, as well as representing Canada in international events. Forty-five years of hands on training and competition means you’ll be the beneficiary of knowledge from instructors who still regularly attend seminars and update their skills. VALUE: Class includes: 1. graduation celebration goodies, 2. a grad certificate, and 3. A 210 page textbook showing how to teach your dog every exercises tested in Canadian Kennel Club competition at all levels. EFFICIENCY: In only 4 weeks, your dog will graduate from the 8 class set and be obedient to you, and social with people and other dogs. We provide a ‘no failure’ guarantee.
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See some of our student’s successes and our instructor’s experience.
One of 6 classes at Grad. This group is a Beginner level class
Starting Monday Feb 10: meeting Mondays and Thursdays 6:30 PM - Puppy Class and Beginner Class (Puppies are 6 months and under, Beginners over 6 mos) 7:45 PM - Beginner class and Intermediate Class Starting Wednesday Feb 12: meeting also on Sat at 10:30 AM 6:30 PM - Intermediate Class and Rally Class To sign up, just follow the advice given below!
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Next Obedience Classes for Puppies, Beginners, and Advanced, start August 21st, meeting Monday and Thursday evenings, for a set of 8 classes.
February Classes Now Open!
Why Train With Us? RESULTS: A dog who loves working with you willingly and happily. PRICE: Is the same as places that only provide 6 classes. EXPERTISE: Our lead instructors have won Canadian Championships in Tracking, Obedience and Protection work, as well as representing Canada in international events. Forty-five years of hands on training and competition means you’ll be the beneficiary of knowledge from instructors who still regularly attend seminars and update their skills. See some of our student’s successes and our instructor’s experience. VALUE: Class includes: 1. graduation celebration goodies, 2. a grad certificate, and 3. A 210 page textbook showing how to teach your dog all of the exercises tested in Canadian Kennel Club competition at all levels. EFFICIENCY: In only 4 weeks, your dog will graduate from the 8 class set and be obedient to you, and social with people and other dogs. We provide a ‘no failure’ guarantee.
sunshadows@shaw.ca Or Call 306-477-1919
Below: Outdoor and Indoor classes. These groups are Beginner Grads
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IMPORTANT: Send your class fee at the same time as your registration request. Sending in the form alone only represents your interest, and does not get you on the class list. Etransfers can be sent to sunshadows@shaw.ca Use this Interac question = boarding, and the answer = kennel. An information page will be sent to you when your fees arrive.
Below - Large Dog Intermediate Class showing their Sit-Stay exercise
Starting Monday Feb 10: meeting Mondays and Thursdays 6:30 PM - Puppy Class and Beginner Class (Puppies are 6 months and under, Beginners over 6 mos) 7:45 PM - Beginner class and Intermediate Class Starting Wednesday Feb 12: meeting also on Sat at 10:30 AM 6:30 PM - Intermediate Class and Rally Class To sign up, just follow the advice given below!
Cheques or cash will be accepted at the kennel office and Etransfers can be sent to sunshadows@shaw.ca FEES: (You are required to Pre-Register.) Your first class with our school is $262.50, tax included, your second set of classes with the same dog, are $241.50, and all sets after those first two with the same dog, are $210.00. SCHEDULES: There are 8 classes in a set, meeting twice per week. Once Registered, We will send you an information sheet that will prepare you for class one with advice about equipment, treats, training location and times.