1.To ensure your spot in the class, Send your fee along with your registration request by eTransfer, or come
out and drop off a cheque or cash at the kennel. Indicate your name and your dog’s name in the Message
Area of any E-Transfer.
2. REGISTER: Students will be required to Pre-Register.
Click the blue tab above, fill out the form, and a reply will be sent to you. Indicate dog’s breed, age and
behaviors that need to be addressed and previous attempts to deal with the problems.
3. LOCATION: To Be Arranged
4. About the seminar:
Reactivity is defined as any inappropriate behavior that a dog shows under stress in various situations. That
can include the appearance of another dog or even a human, on walks or at your door. It may be seen when
people and dogs on the sidewalk pass your home.
This may also be shown when you attempt to take something from your dog. This is termed ‘resource
We guarantee that by the end of the seminar, your dog will understand that there is a better behavior choice,
thus elminating the great stress that they (and you) suffer from this inappropriate behavior.
5. Seminar Fee: $300.00, + GST $15.00 = $315.00. eTransfer, cash, or cheque, to kennel office.
Each handler may bring one
associate with no extra cost.
Auditing spots are available
at $105 per person. Sign up for
these by calling the kennel at
306-477-1919. Payment due
upon arrival on Saturday AM.
Seminar Schedule
Saturday morning.
We start with an analysis of the problem(s), explain the behavioral basis for dog’s behavior, and describe the
solution(s). Next, we’ll demonstrate how to do your role in the rehabilitation process, and then hand the leash
to you.
From here on, you will be coached on your body language, command and praise tones, and correction levels
that are appropriate to your dog, and the timing of your praise.
We will dedicate as much time as needed with you and your dog, coaching you on effective handling
Sunday morning: Practice dealing with all the possible scenarios in which your dog previously misbehaved
with individual one on one coaching in each instance.
This morning, we aim at having lots of interaction with the newly unstressed dogs learning that other dogs are
not something to worry about.
Finally, we’ll help you create a maintainable training schedule, talk about duration of each event, and plan to
expand the sphere in which your dog will learn their new behavior(s).
After seminar help and advice will be available vie telephone or email for all participants if they encounter a
To see some testimonials from folks we’ve helped with
their dog’s reactivity problems, click the button.
Aggressive and Reactivity Dog Seminar
Buena Vista Training Systems
We are offering an entire set of classes to deal with this issue.
In addition to getting these behaviors under control. we’ll add
some essential obedience exercises, like Recall and Stay.
See our Obedience dropdown tab for details.
Revues from the last seminar;
Ten dogs and 12 dog owner groups attended. Here’s what they had to say about the seminar.
1.Was there enough active participation?
2. Individual problems dealt with?
3. Presentation Style of Instructors
4. Instructor’s Knowledge
5. Did you gain new skills and knowledge?
6. Would you recommend this course?
7. Will the skills help you with your dog’s training
8. Were you comfortable during the seminar?
9. Was the seminar worth the money?
Remarks showed that participants understood that, while their dogs didn’t ‘graduate’ with
perfect behavior, they now knew how to apply their new skills to achieve their ultimate goals
with continued work.
Some participants felt discomfort at times, due to their concern about their dog’s potential
behavior with other dogs that were present. One said that even when there was aggressive
behavior shown, they were relieved by the instructors managing the situation.